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Behind the Research: Revealing the Truth About Diet & DCM in Dogs

October 11, 2023

Over the past few years, there have been many conversations stirred around diet-associated DCM (dilated cardiomyopathy) in dogs. Some wondered if grain-free diets have been the cause. In the longest and most detailed research study, BSM Partners researchers have some interesting findings that are discussed for the first time publicly.

Episode Description

Over the past few years, there have been many conversations stirred around diet-associated DCM (dilated cardiomyopathy) in dogs. Some wondered if grain-free diets have been the cause. In the longest and most detailed research study, BSM Partners researchers have some interesting findings that are discussed for the first time publicly.

In this episode, Dr. Megan Sprinkle and Dr. Mary Cope speak with research team members, including Dr. Renee Streeter, Dr. Brad Quest, Dr. Stephanie Clark, and Dr. Sydney Mccauley. The panel discusses the results of their research study with board-certified veterinary cardiologist, Dr. Stacey Leach.

Join us and dive further into your dog's bowl to uncover new information to help you make informed decisions for your pet!

BSM Partners 

BSM Partners is a multidisciplinary team of PhDs, board-certified veterinarians, and nutritionists offering 400+ years of cumulative technical experience, supporting the development of thousands of products per year. From R&D to replenishment, we have you covered. 

BSM Partners offers a wide range of services including research, product innovation, FSQAR, nutrition services, veterinary services, transformation, operations support, and engineering. 

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Read the full research paper at

Show Notes:

(02:40)  Testing Different Diets and the Impact on the Heart

(06:20)  What Exactly Did the Team Test For?

(07:46)  The Logic Behind Testing Different Diets

(09:31)  Why the Research Team Created Their Own Diet to Test

(12:37)  Who Formulated the Diets to Test

(15:08)  The Impact Nutrients Have on the Intestinal Track

(18:01)  Do Specific Dog Breeds Have Higher Rates of DCM?

(23:51)  Were Some Dogs Excluded from the Study?

(25:50)  How Long Did the Study Last?

(27:31)  What Exactly is an Echocardiogram?

(30:17)  The Advantages of Veterinary Cardiologists

(35:24)  How the Team Ensures Impartiality in the Study

(37:45)  What the Research Team Did to Test the Dogs

(39:45)  The Impact of Covid on Testing

(43:32)  How the Team Ensured that Dogs Maintained Proper Weight

(46:47)  What are the Results of the Study?

Mentioned in this episode:

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